"A Final 10-42"    

Jasper City (AL) Police Department

Officer Stewart L. "Buddy" Beasley, Jr.

In Memory and Honor of
Officer Stewart L. "Buddy" Beasley, Jr.
Officer (J-33)  Jasper (AL) Police Department

Why did you have to leave so soon?
I had just talked to you earlier that afternoon.
We were laughing and carrying on had I only known.
Had I known how the afternoon was going to end all wrong.

It hasn’t been the same since you’ve been gone.
I heard the call and I was on the way,
I’ll never forget finding you that day.
It ripped my heart to see you injured like that.

I did for you what you could not do filling your lungs with each breath,
while others did the rest.
I stayed with you till you were flown from the scene
hoping to wake and find it all to be a dream.

It was extremely hard to face the fact,
you were gone and never coming back.
You were a great cop and a good friend,
but why did it all have to suddenly end.

So tragically taken from this world
your friends, family and wife.
You paid the ultimate price
and they all represent the supreme sacrifice.

You served mankind well and did
a thankless job that few would choose to do.
Knowing what the consequences could bring,
you accepted the task without hesitation,
giving your life for our preservation.

You were laid to rest with Honors
in such a glorious way we will never forget.
Bugles playing, drums tapping and
bagpipes piping as the twenty-one gun
salute echoed in the air while we stood at attention.

Now I wake to another dawn
wondering why it had to go wrong.
Thoughts of you will always remain,
but things are not the same------

since you went 10-42.


Officer Jeff Lyle

Contributed by Matt Sherer
"Honoring a Hero and Friend"

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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