"A Cop's Christmas Prayer" 

Marion County Sheriff's Department

Dedicated to all those who give up
much, that others may enjoy peace
and security during Christmas and all
seasons, and to my family and
friends who have stood by
me and
given me strength and courage to go on.

Christmas morn comes early,
For the Cop out on his beat.
His family home around the tree
As he cruises a lonely street.

The sound of tearing paper,
The glow in his young child’s eye,
The merry toast his Father made
That Christmas fore he died.

The scattered toys that lay beneath
The tree as it starts to shed,
These are the thoughts that give him pause,
As he bowed his head and said,

Father, faithfully I have tried to protect
My fellow man this year.
My Christmas wish, keep safe my own,
For I can not always be near.

Grant me the strength I'll need this day
To complete what e'er the task,
Keep safe this lowly servant Lord,
Is all my family would ask.

As I travel down many lonely roads,
While o’er my beat I roam,
Please help me show my brother
That he stands not all alone.

He raised his head to check his runs
As a thought began to grow,
A Child was born this blessed day
Those many years ago,

He fought a righteous battle
As he traveled land and sea.
He too had come to protect and serve
His brother, just like me.


Deputy Dennis “Sledge Hammer

Marion County Sheriff Department (Indiana)

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © December 25, 1998 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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