"A Cop's Thanksgiving Prayer"

No festive meal for me tonight
Spare me calls of senseless fights
Make there be no children lost
No drunk drivers and the resulting cost

Let there be peace in our town’s homes
Don’t make me hear a battered wife’s moans
Let the gang-bangers enjoy a turkey feast
And spare the streets their bloody lease

May those with no roof, find shelter tonight
And those who are lost, find a guiding light
Let those who on the helpless prey
Leave their victims untouched this day

Don’t ask me to deliver news of the death
Of loved ones, far away, in a wreck
Show me no children, who have been abused
Who’s haunted eyes reveal, the parent accused

Give me a night without guns, blood or tears
A night without useless pain, suffering or fears
If you spare me this night all of these things
I’ll call it even Lord, and a Happy Thanksgiving



Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © 2001 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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