"A Cowardly Attack"    

"The Heroes of Ground Zero
Killed at the World Trade Center,
The Pentagon and Pennsylvania

"Can't Cry Hard Enough" - A Tribute to the Victims and Heroes

A cowardly attack came from out of the skies,
Taking the American Nation by surprise.
Causing death and injury to the civilian population,
Shocking both the world and the American Nation.

Who are these cowardly dangerous zealots?
That chooses aggression for their dastardly plots.
Have they no feelings both human and warm?
As from out of their hiding places they evilly swarm.

Invoking death and malicious damage to property and life,
All in the name of Allah they use gun and knife.
I see this terrible tragic crime to mankind,
And many revengeful thoughts come into my mind.

To the grieving American Nation my sympathies are yours
In this most cowardly and vicious of wars.
Hunt down the perpetrators punish them with slow death,
They deserve no pity as they breathe their last breath.

My admiration goes out to the Fire fighters and Police,
A most dangerous work even in times of peace.
I pray for those that are suffering great grief,
May prayers bring you both comfort and relief.

Compassion and love from all over the World,
Be yours as your terrible plight is unfurled.


Bernard Shaw


Poetry for all the family

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © September 11, 2001 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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