worked hard for you
Put in mornings, days, and nights
For this was the job I was born to do
I'm a sworn Police Officer through and through
wore my shield proudly upon my chest
Holstered my weapon
Shined my boots
And tightly secured my vest
hours were long and
The paychecks small
But for the friends I have made
I would change nothing at all
never changed the world
Now we both know this is true
But I never thought this would happen Lord
I was one of the brave in blue
lay here
For the first time the sirens sound so loud
How can this be happening Lord
I served my country proud
worked hard for you
How could this be
I wasn't suppose to go like this
He shouldn't of got the drop on me
you fold my flag
And hand it to my wife
Tell her I died heroically
Tell her I lived a good life
always upheld the law
Acted fairly without prejudice
But now as I go Lord
I ask that you promise me this
my girl her daddy is proud
Allow her to reach the top
So I can rest peacefully
Knowing she never became a cop
Peter Spizzirri
Used with Special Permission
of the Author
Copyright © January 2002 - All Rights Reserved
and may not be duplicated without
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