"A Good and Wonderful Man Died Today"
A good and wonderful man died today
But it's not for him, it's for me, that
I pray.
For now he's safe, he's home and he's
I'm the one left here with just a memory.
Nobody can tell me why he died.
A bullet took his life and the heavens
Did he die for justice? For honor and
I wish someone could explaine this to me!
It wasn't his job, it was his life long dream.
To be a part of the force, a part of the
For he would stand guard, to serve and
Out of honor, duty, justice and respect.
I always knew it could happen one day
That one should decide, for his job, he
must pay.
But to pay with his life-is that really
I wish the murder knew, the depth of my
And that of my children, Family and friends.
Doesn't the murderer know, the pain
never ends?
Who am I, you may ask, to write of such
I'm one of many, a proud and grieving,
police officer's wife.
Keshia Lewis
Used with Special Permission
of the Author
Copyright © 1999 - All Rights Reserved
and may not be duplicated without permission
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