A kiss good-bye and off you go,
If I'll see you in the morning, I never really know?
You say its your duty to protect our fair town,
I see the love in your eyes, even though some people say you frown.The badge you wear with such loyal pride,
And many a bad guy knows he'd better hide.
Your partner the dog is always close by.
"Take care of my husband Lord" I say with a sigh.
You drive around town as the night people come out.
And into violent situations where people yell, scream and shout.
You stop by the gas station as part of your nightly routine,
And have some gourmet coffee from a machine.In snow, sleet, rain and all kinds of storm,
You keep your eyes open for anything out of the norm.
The words you live by are integrity, honor and trust.
People with no concept of their meaning you must bust.So as I say my prayers before I go to sleep,
I thank God for such a wonderful man to keep.
Watch over him Lord, My hero in blue.
For there are few as noble, caring and true.by
Jenny Peery
Used with Special Permission of the Author
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