"A Mother, A Wife, A Cop"

Dedicated to:
oman Who Serve & Protect Us in Law Enforcement

I wrote this poem in my bedroom, after I came home from work. I work at McDonald's (to pay for college)
and a
Police Woman came in to order a meal, we chatted, and so she Inspired me to write this poem:

She tied her hair up, in a tight bun,
As her husband whispers, "Be Careful hon",
Gun in her holster, bulletproof vest on,
with a kiss to her husband, she was gone.

She enters the station, big smile on her face,
She moves with such ease, so full of grace.
Her colleagues admired her, for she's nice and smart,
Uniform and badge, she plays the part.

For she is a wife, mother, and a cop,
Who earned her place, at the very top
she is one in a million, from all the rest,
tough and fair, the very best.

 She has seen some things, we dread to see,
she does her job, to protect you and me,
She's been kicked at, spat on, cracked a rib or two,
she shakes it all off, to protect me and you.

 There are times, where her life comes close to an end,
But thanks to the help, of her brave cop friends.
She does a job, that a few would dare do,
She does her job proudly, with a smile too.

 And when she comes home, at the end of her shift,
Kids in her arms, as her husband gives her a kiss,
She knows she made it through, another long day,
For tomorrow might be different, so she just prays.


Kathleen Radman

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © November 8, 2007 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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