"A Mother's Prayer

Dedicated to ALL Agencies
Special Recognition of the
Riverside County (CA) Sheriff's Department

It seems like only yesterday,
you laid one of your cherished angels
into our arms for us to teach and love.

Through the years, with Your help,
his father and I have tried to guard and guide him.
We taught him right from wrong
and other lessons he would need to learn
to be a caring, respectful, and responsible human being.

Our son is a man now.
He is all that a parent could dream of in a child.
He has a loving wife
and two wonderful angels of his own to love and guide.

He had a dream to one day
protect and serve as a peace officer.
With your help, that dream has come true.

Heavenly Father, we ask now that you hold him
ever closer in your loving hands.
Please keep him and his fellow peace officers safe
from harm as they go about their jobs of safekeeping their communities.

Thank you for this angel.
Thank you for your loving guidance
and protection in all our lives.


A Mother

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © 1999 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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