"A Police Officer's Wife   

This poem is Dedicated To the Memory of my Husband:

Officer Allen W. Gibson, Jr.

Who made the Ultimate Sacrifice on April 25, 1998
~ Waverly Police Department, Virginia ~

I cannot believe this day has come
only two short years we've overcome.
Please dry your tears my loving bride
for I will still be right by your side.

I know you're young, but you must be strong.
And don't worry, for we won't be apart long.
I can't wait to see your beautiful face
and show you this glorious place.

The flag today they will hand to you.
They will dry your tears and salute you, too.
Sorry I didn't get to say goodbye,
you know I loved you, you know I tried.

My job called and I had to go
I just wished that you could know.
As I lay dying, I wasn't sad
for I saw God and he held my hand.

Now when times get hard,
hold your head up high.
If you feel you need to see me,
just look toward the sky.

Until we meet again on Heaven's bright shore,
I just have to tell you once more.
Remember Sweetheart, make the most of your life-
for you will always be a
Police Officer's Wife!


Laura D. Gibson

Radford University Police Department

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © 2001 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

National Law Enforcement Memorial Officer Allen W. Gibson, Jr. - Waverly (VA) Police Department
05/04/72 – 04/25/98

Officer A. W. Gibson, Jr. was shot and killed after confronting two male suspects while on routine foot patrol in a wooded area behind an apartment complex. Upon confronting the suspects, a struggle ensued and Officer Gibson was shot once in the abdomen with his own weapon. The round struck the edge of his bulletproof vest and penetrated it. He was taken to a hospital where he died on April 25, 1998, at approximately 1300 hours. He is survived by his wife and daughter.

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