NYPD Detective Bureau

"A Returning  Moment"


The moment keeps coming back
I remember discussing our plan of attack.
Should we go left or should we go right?
are they going to run, or will they fight?

We called for help, but no-one answered back
We decided that we had to take down this pack
My partner had one and I had two
and then all of a sudden, DOWN THE STAIRS I FLEW!

I landed, and that's all I can seem to recall
about that life changing fall.
I awoke in the hospital, bloodied and in pain
Never did I know that things weren't going to be the same

I couldn't move or get out of the bed
I thought to myself, I might as well be dead
The doctors told me I had broken my spine
and that everything was going to be fine

Two years and three operations later, not a day goes by
that I don't think of 10/14/1998 @7:10PM, and want to cry!


Anthony P Morales

NYPD Detective Bureau

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © 2002 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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