"A Routine Stop" 

Dedicated to ALL the Men & Women of Law Enforcement
 as well as to us ... the "Behind the Scenes Personnel"

Just a route stop, the dispatcher heard every day,
And she always wondered, is that what they meant to say.
A routine stop it should have been,
A tail-light out, is how he called it in.

The next radio traffic was barely a sound,
Get me some help, I've been hit, I'm down!
The page went out, help on the way,
Oh, please God, can we take back this day!

To calls advise status, there was no sound,
As this brave officer lay on the ground!
More calls advise status, again and again,
Another officer calls in, he's taken our friend!


Dispatcher Vic

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © August 26, 2001 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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