"A Tear Fell"    

"The Heroes of Ground Zero
Killed at the World Trade Center,
The Pentagon and Pennsylvania

"Can't Cry Hard Enough" - A Tribute to the Victims and Heroes

A tear fell, and was heard around the world.
Morning broke, bright and clear.
A new day, full of hope, full of promise.
Fathers, mothers, sons, daughters—
Family. They kissed, they hugged, they said goodbye.
They would meet again,
Meet when the duties of the day were fulfilled.

Then a tear fell, and was heard around the world.
The unspeakable came to visit America,
Land of the Free.
Human-filled missiles. Balls of fire from the sky.
Twin towers. World icons. Now ominous infernos.
Open mouths, stares of disbelief.
Then, in a moment, the towers were gone.

A tear fell, and was heard around the world.
Piles of rubble remained where hours before
Thousands appeared for a normal day of toil.
Dads, moms, sons and daughters—
If they forgot to say goodbye they never would.
Gone in a moment, gone in horror, hurled to their deaths.
America rallied. More important, the World rallied.

A tear fell, and was heard around the world.
Rescuers by the hundreds died
When the behemoths came down.
The hopeless, the helpless, jumped to their deaths,
Hundreds of feet in the air, plummeting like birds,
Forgotten how to fly.
But they will not be forgotten. Ever.

A tear fell, and was heard around the world.
Broken bodies, broken homes, broken dreams.
The cries of those buried alive went unheard.
But some, by the mercy of God, were saved.
Somehow, some way, their angels found them,
Hovering there, weeping, praying.
Calling on that very God their nation had forgotten.

People died that autumn day.
People died by the hundreds.
Defenseless people died without warning.
From the air, they died. From the towers, they died.
They came to rescue their fellow man, and they died.
A monument will rise there, on hallowed ground,
For a tear fell, and it was heard around the world.


Kirby Jonas

KirbyJonas.com - Home of Best Selling Western Author!

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © September 11, 2001 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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