"Always On the Job"
another man is what he had started out to be,
Then he took an oath to serve and protect you and me.
wonder sometimes if they get more than they bargained for,
When the way for them is so narrow with so many closed doors.
could they let a murderer back out on the street,
When he promised the family this arrest would keep.
All the times he pulled
someone over for driving too fast,
Knowing that his job could
easily make this day his last.
Watching a child cry as
their last breath they take,
When he knows people will
say it was his mistake.
Someone needs extra
security overnight,
He would hate to think he
wasn’t in sight.
even after pulling a ten hour day,
He’s once again, gladly on
his way.
Over night lookout jobs
are not much fun,
But once again he sees the
rising of the sun.
He could have chosen to go
home to family and friends,
But when he said to serve
and protect, he said until the end.
Author Known by PolicePoems.com and
Used with Special Permission
of said Author
Copyright © October 2001 - All Rights Reserved
and may not be duplicated without permission
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