"An Officer's Belief"

I am there during times of havoc
I rent my life for your protection
And every time, I am happy to do so.

Dedication gives me motivation
Courage brings me home each day
And love for this job is my reward.

I breathe for my fellow officers
I fight for justice in this world
And I dream it will all be okay.

My destination is to get through it all;
And no matter how tough the journey is,
I will work hard to get it done right.

I can't help but feel completely helpless
When there are those I cannot save
And that is the one part of me I hate to face.

I am strong, and I am willing,
To live this life until I am gone
And I take great pride in all of that.


G. Gonzalez

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © March 1st, 2006 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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