by Tina Head

Another day, then another year
Oh! How many years you have worked here!
From day to day, week to week
Trodding upon our city streets

To serve and protect our city each day
Never knowing what experiences ahead may lay
Your bravery is outstanding in the eyes of most

As you carefully watch over your assigned post

You put your life upon the line each day
Being the unsung hero in every way
You do your job and do it well
Always trying to get the bad guys in jail

You strive to keep our homes and streets safe
Doing your job regardless the stake
Fear is not to be part of your life

Because you know you must return home to your kids and wife

You never question if what you do is worth the price
For you know you are helping so many lives

And though the pay will never be enough for what you do
The commitment to your job rings proud and true

It takes a special kind of person to be who you are and what you are
And, in my life you are always a star
You're not just a Police Officer, you are also my dad
I understand all the things for which you stand

You'll never quite realize how proud your family is of you
We respect and believe in everything you do
This is just to say you are appreciated and loved
Congratulations on a job well done

I Love You Very Much


Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

Submitted by:   Officer Walter Westwood

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