"Don't Give Up"
I've known your pain and felt your grief,
I know right now, there seems no
but as time goes by as you know it
the memories fade and the wounds
I know its hard to stand and fight,
the dreams, no the nightmares that
fill your night.
but don't give in as many do,
hold fast your ground and see it
For at the end when the battles won,
when the pain is gone and the war
is done.
When the dreams come, only now and
you'll find pride in yourself for
you fought to win.
If I can right just one human wrong,
if I can help to make just one
person strong,
if I cheer with a smile or a song,
Please Lord, show me how.
Christine Brandon
Used with Special Permission
of the Author
Copyright © 1997 - All Rights Reserved
and may not be duplicated without permission
God doesn't want us to be lonely or in pain -
He has a Very Special Plan that will help us through those valley experiences!
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