"Dressed In Blue"

Now I lay me
Down to sleep
Lord I hope my
father's life you keep

He dressed in blue
And kissed me good night
the job he performs
Fills me with fright

To protect and to serve
Is what he says
He lives by a slogan
That scares me to death

When he leaves me
I dream in fright
That this could be
His last living night

A young boy
With a gun in his hand
At thirteen years old
He could kill my dad

A crazy woman
Could take him
Away from me

Yet soon I see
That little girl
He saved her life
My father the hero

The battered wife
Never again will be
Away from him
My dad helped her get free

And he says
He wants me to see
A better world
He's made just for me

Submitted by

Lawrence Fermin

Deputy ~ L.A. En4cer's Page

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © 1998 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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