
Dedicated to the Idaho County Sheriffs Department

When you hear,
"Sheriffs Office,"
What do you think of?

Men in blue,
People behind a desk,
Radio's and trouble.

But there is much,
Much more meaning,
To the words Sheriff's office.

To me it mean's family,
Those men in blue,
The people behind the desk,

Are all family.

They are kind and caring,
Loving and funny,
And treat you as if your are family.

They are protective,
and strong and,
There for you when you need it.

They're there when,
you need a hug,
A shoulder to cry on,
or just need someone to talk to.

So remember next time,
You hear Sheriff's Office,
That those men in blue,
Those people behind the desk,
Are more then just that,
That are someone's family, Mine.


Amanda Slagle

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © October 28, 2001 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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