This is dedicated to my Son
~ Trey ~
He is my best friend!

"Father To Son"

I look into your eyes and all I see,
Is a small version of me.
You tell me you are scared that I want come home,
I will go to Heaven and leave you here all alone.

Every night you watch me put on my vest,
Making sure it covers all of my chest.
I leave and you start to cry,
Don't be scared; This Is Not Our Good-bye.

When I come home the next day,
First thing out of your mouth is "Come on Daddy Let's Play".
I am so tired from a night on the street,
But I never tell you "No son, Daddy is beat".

I watch you run with all your heart,
Watching you play is the best part.
You see Son, I am scared just like you,
For I am one of the guys dressed in Blue.

I spend most of my time putting bad guys in jail,
The rest of the time is hearing their family to "Go to Hell".
My job is to keep you safe at night,
Even if that means to give my life.

And if one night it is my time to die,
Do not be sad, Don't let Mama see you cry.
You have to be strong,
Because in you- my life will go on!

But I plan to be hear for years to come,
So we can sit down and talk- Father To Son!


Officer Michael Davis
Brunswick (GA) Police Department

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © December 31, 2002 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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