"Give Him a Guardian Angel"    

Dear God I know You're busy
With all you have to do,
But if I can have a minute,
I'll try not to ask to much of you.

My husband is a policeman
And as he goes to work each day,
Please send a guardian angel
To walk with Joe along the way.

When he leaves, I say "Be Careful."
And kiss him on his sweet face,
But I can't be there to watch over him
All the time and in every place.

I know Joe's just one officer,
But he's serious about his job.
I know he'll try to stop
Those who murder, rape or rob.

I know this may sound selfish
And yes it may be true
But when I think about what he does,
I have to leave it up to You.

If it comes to saving another,
I know he'd give his life.
That's the way my husband's made
And I'm proud to be his wife.

So do me this little favor Lord,
Until you need him there with you.
Send him a guardian angel Lord
To help him make it through.


Hannah K

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © 2001 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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