"The Heroes of Ground Zero"
Killed at the World Trade Center,
The Pentagon and Pennsylvania
"Can't Cry Hard Enough" - A Tribute to the Victims and Heroes
The voice of my mother breaks the news
We now look at life from a new point of view.
Two towers are gone, dear God is it true?
Please help us? What's happening? It's 10:32.
Security's been breached. We're under attack.
A woman cries out, "Please find my boy Jack."
Fires of metal and chaos keep burning,
The hands of time keep ticking and turning.
Pictures and stories of death and devastation,
Yet heroes arrive without hesitation.
Their neighbors need help, their brothers now too
"All humans unite, let's do what we do."
Search and rescue are the words we hear
The epitome of courage - the earth shattering fear.
New York's finest and bravest fight with their hearts.
Risking their lives, doing more than their part.
During this time of great tragedy,
People may ask, "Oh, where can God be?"
I know where he is, it's plain to see.
He embodies the F.D.N.Y. and the N.Y.P.D.By
Chris Thompson
This poem was found on the morning of September 13 on a lamp post at the corner of 62nd St. and Broadway in New York by Sam Katz, the executive assistant to the president of the Detectives Endowment Association of New York City. I write this poem as a dedication to all the men and women of the New York City Police and Fire Departments who lost their lives trying to help others. And to those men and women who continue to work and protect us. New York loves and thanks you from the bottom of our souls. May God keep you safe. |
Special Permission
of the Author pending
Copyright © September 2001 - All Rights Reserved
and may not be duplicated without permission
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