"Heaven Called Some of its Finest Home"    

"The Heroes of Ground Zero
Killed at the World Trade Center,
The Pentagon and Pennsylvania

"Can't Cry Hard Enough" - A Tribute to the Victims and Heroes

There's a reason I cried
When I heard so many officers had died
The reality hit hard in the life that we live
To a job where people are asking you to constantly give

Some of your finest today paid the ultimate price
And with pride and honor made their greatest sacrifice
The public has no idea on a day to day, what you went through
And how many lives that are now touched, the killers never knew

How you sometimes went to work with very little sleep,
Duty and honor, a vow you must keep
And like most cops you were probably underpaid
But it's a job you loved, the one for which you were made

To protect and serve, is how you lived your lives
My heart goes out to you now widowed husbands and wives
It's a knock on the door every officers spouse fears
And that's why today my eye's are filled with tears

Our thoughts and prayers are for the families that will be without
A mother, a father, a sister, a brother, a husband, a wife who will be missed beyond doubt
May God Bless those who make our country a safe place to live
We have lost so many with so much to give

Heaven called several of your finest home today
A price anyone who loves an officer hopes they will never have to pay
Lord, Watch over each and every unsung hero we pray
So they can be with the ones they love at the end of their day.


Jenny Peery

Spouse of K-9 Officer Michael Peery
Anderson (CA) Police Department

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © September 11, 20001 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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