"Hope Of N.Y.C."

As the cleared away the rumble
It appeared for all to see
As rugged as 2000 years ago
The hope of N.Y.C.

Out o f the smoke
And from the dust
Arose the hope
In which we trust.

Like a beacon shinning
Through the gloom
Like a new life
Bursting from the womb.

Out of the hell
Of pain and loss
There suddenly stood
That rugged cross.

A sign that gives
Us hope again
To every woman
Child and man.

From a God who's love
Cost Him His Son
A price He paid
For everyone.

So here's the hope
For N.Y.C.
The hope in the cross
Brought liberty.



Glasgow Scotland U.K.

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © November 7th, 2001 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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