"Hope Of N.Y.C."
As the cleared away the rumble
It appeared for all to see
As rugged as 2000 years ago
The hope of N.Y.C.Out o f the smoke
And from the dust
Arose the hope
In which we trust.Like a beacon shinning
Through the gloom
Like a new life
Bursting from the womb.Out of the hell
Of pain and loss
There suddenly stood
That rugged cross.A sign that gives
Us hope again
To every woman
Child and man.From a God who's love
Cost Him His Son
A price He paid
For everyone.So here's the hope
For N.Y.C.
The hope in the cross
Brought liberty.By
Glasgow Scotland U.K.
Used with Special Permission
of the Author
Copyright © November 7th, 2001 - All Rights Reserved
and may not be duplicated without
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