"In The Line of Duty"    

What is the meaning of "In The Line Of Duty"
It means that an officer made the Ultimate sacrifice.
It means that someone took an officer's life.
A hero has fallen.

Officers who gave their all
To protect and serve
Have been killed by someone whom they swore
To protect and serve.

It means that their badge will no longer be on their chest
And they will join
"The Best Of The Best"

It means that family and friends are left behind
To deal with the lost of a loved one.
Only having the memories of that loved one
Close to their hearts.
Something no one can ever take away.

It means that family members will stand at the officers grave
And wonder why ...
Why would someone take an officer's life
And leave them there to die?
If we only knew.

Today an officer will place their badge on their chest
To fulfill the dreams of heroes killed
"In The Line Of Duty"



In Memory Of All Police Officers Who Have
Been Called To Make The Ultimate Sacrifice

Santa Ana Police Officers for Christ

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © 1998 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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