Pittsburgh Police Bureau

"Love For The Job"

Every once in a while,
I have to sit and think.
Is this the call that's gonna do it,
push me to the brink?

I know I truly love my job,
and you put me to the test.
But even every now and then,
I deserve a little rest.

We put our lives on the line,
to make life safer for you.
Do we ever hear a thanks,
maybe on an occasion or two.

You do not know what we see,
you haven't got a clue.
You see it in the papers,
or some times on the news.

We live our lives day to day,
and have to watch our backs.
You don't even try to help us,
you let us slip into the cracks.

If we didn't do our jobs,
and keep you out of harms way.
This country would be a mess,
and you'd really have to pray.

We are not the bad guys,
we should be dressed in white.
We are the ones you call,
when you get into a fight.

This is the job I chose,
and I took an oath for you.
So every time I leave my home,
please say a prayer or two.

So when you see a police officer,
they're the one that's dressed in blue.
They may be trying to save your life,
or be there to comfort you.

Unfortunately there may come a day,
when my life could end.
Will you even miss me,
or know I was someone's friend.

Will you help raise my children,
teach them right from wrong.
Will you tell them all about me,
please tell them to be strong.

Tell them that I love them,
and I'll always be right here.
They may not be able to see me,
but they'll know that I do care.

Tell them I was doing my job,
that they put me to the test.
That what I did was to save a life,
and now I'm laid to rest.

My job will never be done,
even from heaven I will see.
this is the job that I love,
it is the only one for me.

So the next time you see a Police Officer,
tell them they are great,
Because the next time you may see them,
they could be standing at heavens gates.


Officer Chuck Stemler

Pittsburgh Police Department

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © November 1999 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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