"My Angel, My Mother"    

"The Heroes of Ground Zero
Killed at the World Trade Center,
The Pentagon and Pennsylvania

"Can't Cry Hard Enough" - A Tribute to the Victims and Heroes

I have a beautiful angel,
She watches over me,
I wish I could have kept her here,
but some wishes cannot be.

My angel used to sing to me,
and hold me in her arms,
she taught me everything I know,
and kept me safe from harm.

We were together two short years,
she loved me everyday.
but when an angel’s work is done,
they have to go away.

God needed someone special to guard His pearly gates -
She was a wife and mommy first,
but heaven could not wait

Many wanted to do the job,
so God gave them all a test,
some of them came very close,
but my angel was the best

He said to her “Come back to me,
you’ve done a great job in the field !”
Now she’s the only angel who wears an NYPD shield.

I see her when I close my eyes,
and remember her warm embrace,
when I need to be cheered-up, 
I picture her pretty face

Her sparkling eyes, her gentle smile,
her gorgeous golden hair
I never have to feel alone,
I know she is always there

I love my beautiful angel, and never want another…
My angel is just right for me,
My angel is my Mother!


Veronica Cassidy Barry

This poem is for the baby (Privately Held Name) of:
Police Officers Moira Smith and Jim Smith.

Moira was the first female police officer in New York City to be killed in the line of duty on September 11, 2001, at the World Trade Center.

I saw her on August, 26, 2001, and was so impressed by what a great mother she was.

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © October 11, 2001 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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