I shine the badge that dad pins to his chest
I kiss my dad goodbye and wish him the best
Cause I never know if he will return today
All I can do is to wait and pray

You see my dad, he is a cop
Drive a car with lights on top
I am so proud of what he does
 I hope someday I'll fill his shoes

But one thing that I do everyday
Is put a flower in the window tray
When my dad come home at night
I hide the flower out of sight

I do not want him to know
The fear that I do not show
I need to be brave and strong
 Knowing the different of right and wrong

My dad is my world to me
To live without him cannot be
I know being a cop has it danger
Cause most of people he sees are stranger

But All I can do is to hope and pray
That he'll come home at the end of the day


  ~~~R.L.WATFORD JR~~~

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © 2005 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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