Sergeant Roy Arthur Williams

In Memory of my Father
Sergeant Roy A. Williams Sr.
Collier County Sheriffs Office (FL)

My family lost a Great Man
"In the line of duty" ~ August 22, 1991

Collier County Sheriff's Office (FL)

"My Father"

As the days passed by,
The months soon came to an end
And the years flew by
Like the birds in the sky.

Still I couldn't accept it
After the funeral
And several years went by,
I realized my Father was truly gone.

Never to return to me on these lonely nights
When I need a father's helping hand.
Never to see me grow,
Or hear the bells on my wedding day,
Or see the sight of a smile on his grandchild's face.
But I realized he put his life on the line to protect me,
Not wanting to lose me
But in the end it was I who lost him.


Saundra Batrez

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © 1998 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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