In memory of Born
December 3, 1951 |
My hero is a "blue shirt"
He wears a badge and gun
Serves his public night and day
He says the road is fun
He risks his life for strangers
Always does his part
A modern-day crusader
My hero has a heart
Sometimes his soul is weary
Midnights can be rough
With little rest, he does his best
Decisions, too, are tough
Other days are funny
Some are sad, its true
His life's about just helping out
The likes of me and you
My hero loves his uniform
He loves the risky life
He's proud to be a "blue shirt"
I'm proud to be his wife
Cheryl Reimann
Used with Special Permission
of the Author
Copyright © 1983-1999 - All Rights Reserved
and may not be duplicated without permission
"My Hero" was written in December 1983, one month before the tragedy
On May 14, 1999, Mrs. Reimann
delivered this
speech on
Lake County (IL) Police Memorial Day, in Waukegan, IL
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