"My Police Officer, My Everything"

Forever & always is my love for you
My hero, my best friend, my guy in blue
So young & so handsome its hard not to stare
As you strap on your vest & other police wear

So strong & so courageous as you patrol the streets
While I stay at home worrying under the sheets
When you leave for work, I never say goodbye
Its "Baby i love you, & have a safe night"

The best sound I hear is the unlocking of the door
You home THANK GOD!! I wont worry anymore.
You kiss me on the forehead & tell me you love me
 I say the words back, but I still feel so empty

Because although your in my arms for the rest of the night
I worry for the nights to come, will tomorrow be alright?
I guess the only thing to do is take it a day at a time
And pray for God to help you when you're out fighting crime.


Jessica Lee Fisher

I Love You Patrick!

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © July 22, 2007 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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