Columbia Police Department "My Prayer For My Police Officers" Richland County Sheriff's Department

Dear God,

Please watch over our Officers/Deputies as they begin their shift. Lord, I pray that you will keep them safe from harm, so they may go home each night to their families.

Help me to hear them because Lord, I know this one transmission may be the only one they can give me. I ask that you give me the strength to remain calm during stressful calls, the ability to be multi-tasked, the knowledge of to know where they are at all times, and patience to not take anything personal they may say to or about me.

Lord, these guys are my heart and they are just trying to earn a living by doing what most people would NEVER do and that is the job of a police officer, So God If you could somehow let them know I care about them , I do my best to know where they are at all times and that everyday before I get out of bed I say a special prayer for them.

Lord, Please watch over them and keep them safe because they are very special men and women ... Amen


Jane Rodriguez

Columbia, South Carolina

Used with Special Permission of the Author
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