"Never Go To Bed Mad"    

I learned an important lesson today,
Of a price that, inadvertently, I was willing to pay.

Mom always said, "Never got to bed mad",
Advice well taken, if only I had.

The argument was not as important as he,
My husband, my love was taken from me.

I traded my stubbornness for the love of my life,
How could I have been such a selfish wife?

Life is a precious gift, we should never forget,
We must try not to fill our lives with regret.

Today just may be YOUR trooper's last,
All differences must remain in the past.

Life is too short, too much to be had,
So please take Mom's advice, "Never go to bed Mad!"



Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © 1999 - All Rights Reserved
he author is known to PolicePoems.com and the poem may
not be duplicated without permission through PolicePoems.com

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