"No Regrets"

Trooper Matthew Evans, Oklahoma Highway Patrol

In Memoriam:
Trooper Matthew Scott Evans, Oklahoma Highway Patrol
August 31, 2000

Oklahoma Highway Patrol

We may never understand it,
the risks these brave ones take,
but occasionally we see a bit
of the difference their lives make.

Some do it for the action,
others find it a callin'.
All find the satisfaction,
and few become the fallen.

Being an officer is what he loved,
To him as good as it gets.
Law was what he dreamed of,
He would have no regrets.

And though it saddens all of us
to lose him in this way
He knew how an officer must
Live life to the fullest everyday.


Marsha Dae

Dedicated to Oklahoma State Trooper Matt Evans and all of the brothers and sisters in Law Enforcement. I respect everyone of you for the job you do everyday, whether Highway Patrol, State Police, City Police, Sheriffs Dept., Probation, or Corrections. You are brave men and women and my prayers to keep you safe are said nightly. Live every day as if it is your last, because you never know.

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © September 2, 2000 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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