"One Day in a Cops Life"
I get up & hop in the shower to start another day
I put on my vest, my uniform, my gun, & I'm on my way
I get my assignment, then hop in the car
The first call comes in, a fight at the bar
Later, I save a baby having seizures & calm the
I quell a domestic disturbance & arrest the father
A family of four is killed on the freeway
Investigate the accident & clean up the bodies
The drunk driver arrested, but he'll walk away
A break in the confusion, I stop to eat
A donut & coffee will keep me on my feet
Four people in a stolen, heading east on main
Kids dressed in black, out to shoot a rival gang
Burglary in progress, I'm rollin' "Code 3"
He's killed the occupants from what I can see
We chase him on foot for a block or two
We've got him at gun point, I wonder "What will he do?"
There's shots fired & an officer needs help
Without hesitation I roll and sirens start to yelp
Inside the liquor store, a man with a gun
A shot goes off, he yells "Are we havin fun?"
SWAT takes over, we leave them alone
My shift is over and I head for home
I love my job & don't know why
Some of the things I see make me want to cry
We work long hours for very little pay
We get no respect for what we deal with every day
Once I'm at home & shed off the trash and decay
I'm happy I survived & tomorrow is a whole new day
Written by
Deputy Clint Madsen
Caldwell County Sheriff's Office ~ Texas
Used with Special Permission of the Author
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