Why do they do it?
They get yelled at, cursed, assaulted, etc.
And they keep coming back for more
They help the child who has wandered away from home
The drunk who thinks he is sober
 The battered spouse who loves the abuser
 and gives them chance after chance
 The mentally ill person bent on self-destruction,
 Who at the time, does not realize that they are being helped
Why do they do it?

Why do they do it?
They get shot at, blown up, stoned, etc.
Yet they keep coming back for more
They go to foreign lands to help the helpless
They risk their lives day after day
They get labeled killers, monsters, and evil
Why do they do it?

Why do they do it?
They get punched, kicked, cursed, etc.
Yet they keep coming back for more
They run into burning buildings
To save those in danger
They put out the fires, and not just of burning buildings,
But of emotions out of control
They help the wounded
They console the dying
Why do they do it?

They do it because they are:  OUR HEROES!!


Lisa Mae

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © 2004 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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