
"The Heroes of Ground Zero
Killed at the World Trade Center

"Can't Cry Hard Enough" - A Tribute to the Victims

The building is going to collapse", he overheard. "I know" he mumbled, strapping his breathing apparatus to his back. A tidal wave of people and smoke came at him, and he fought against the current desperate to get inside the place where everyone was trying to escape. He is a firefighter, doesn't see himself as a hero. This is what he does.

"People are trapped upstairs", she overheard. "I know" she mumbled, as she grabbed her oxygen cylinder and bag and walked into the billowing clouds of debris looking for someone, anyone, who needed her. She is a paramedic, doesn't see herself as a hero. This is what she does.

"The people don't know what is happening" he overheard "I know" he mumbled, as he walked towards the panic and pain bringing comfort by his strength, giving directions, showing people where to go, even as he goes closer and closer. He is a Police Officer, he doesn't see himself as a hero. This is what he does.

"We lost the entire engine company" one numbly said. "I know" said the captain. He looked at the faces on the wall. Faces he would never see again.

"We have Police and Fire waiting, and Ambulances are lined up." "I know", said God, as he wiped the tears from his eyes and opened up the golden gates at the entry to paradise and let our ordinary heroes in.

They were the men and women who didn't need to be there who could have saved themselves who could have stayed away from the scenes of pain and hell but they walked into the fire though they knew that they might die and we watched their spirits rise to heaven as the towers collapsed in the sky. Just ordinary people,

Whose families daily prayed that their loved ones would return to them at the end of every day In this great tragedy, a greater story unfolds of the bravest men and women that New York City holds the simple, ordinary heroes. Firefighter, Paramedic, Police Officer.

"We have Police and Fire waiting, and Ambulances lined up...." "I know", said God, wiping tears from his eyes and He opened up the golden gates at the entry to paradise and let our ordinary Heroes in. It's what He does. 



Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © 2001 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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