"In the Simple Performance of  Duty"

In the simple performance of duty,
he pinned on a badge,
checked his gear with a practiced eye,
and kissed his loved ones good-bye.

In the simple performance of duty,
he reported for work,
joked with his buddies at roll call,
and made his last trip down the squad room hall.

In the simple performance of duty,
he answered the call
to help the helpless, to find the lost,
no matter the danger or how great the cost.

In the simple performance of duty,
he lay down his life,
for those in peril he tried to save,
our brave friend went to his grave.

In the simple performance of duty,
we honor his deed,
as we carry him to rest in a flag-draped casket,
long after the world has forgotten, we shall never forget.

Never judge or regret, what he did,
In the simple performance of duty.


Sergeant O. R. Thomasson D0262
Civil Section Supervisor

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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