"Police Week"
time has now come, for this one week a year
we all stop to think… when we all shed a tear
For all of the Heroes, whose names grace the wall
And for all of those Heroes, who still answer the call
and friends at the wall they will stand
pictures, letters, and love in their hands
Left at the wall will be displays of their love
A tribute to those who now watch from above
will think of the day their world was destroyed
split second in time… causing such a great void
As they visit the wall, there is great pain in their heart
But strangely it’s there… that the healing can start
they stand there in awe of this memorial stone
is then that they realize that they are not alone
So many others with stories quite the same
So many more sharing each other’s pain
us all stop and think what this week’s all about
for those who sacrifice for us… day in and day out
And for each name engraved by the stone cutter’s knife
There are hundreds of people… touched by that life
it’s just a week, seven days from the year
a lifetime of anxiety, emotions and fear
For most that will ease when the ceremony ends
this week, lasts forever… for family and friends
Marc A Turner
Used with Special Permission
of the Author
Copyright © 2001 - All Rights Reserved
and may not be duplicated without
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