
I like the Policeman that patrols our street,
He is a nice kind man with aching feet.
The kids all like him he always smiles,
Over the years he has walked many miles.

He always knows the time of day,
What is more he has plenty to say.
Sometimes he comes to the local schools,
To explain to the children the traffic's rules.

Also not to listen to strangers or take sweets,
For not every one is kind even on his beat.
To Mums and Dads he offers good advice,
For some of the children are not always nice.

A patient man that wears a uniform,
Some of his methods are not always conform.
A master of knowing what is right, what is wrong,
He shows the children the right path to go along.

If he should happen to come your way,
Be extra nice and bid him a good day.


Bernard Shaw

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © 2001 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

Additional Poetry - Read and I hope Enjoy!

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