"Reflections of Police Week"


Green Bay Police Department - Wisconsin

In 1963, President Kennedy proclaimed May 15 as National Peace
Officers Memorial Day and the week surrounding it as National
Police Week. The preceding week is Correctional Officers week.
Each year people across the country gather during the week to
honor those who serve their communities through law enforcement
and to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.

National Law Enforcement Memorial

Lions welcome those who come
 To say their good byes 

Rows of letters on the wall are guarded by
Patches, poems, pictures, roses and pain

Family and friends stand by the names
Shedding one more tear

Candle lights flicker,
As the light is passed from friend to friend 

Gray, brown, blue and green blend together
To form the Roll Call of Fallen Heroes

Honor Guard members keep watch on the
Yellow Badge for the many
One is too many

Bag pipers, drummers, drum majors, and flag bearers
Pipe in Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound

Speakers praise those that serve, those that care
Those that gave the ultimate sacrifice

One by one names are read one flower
For each, escorted by their own

Family members walking to the wreath
Each flower forming the Badge

Back to the lions, to reflect one more time
On the Thin Blue Line

Silence and Respect ushers in
The Healing powers of the Wall

Remembering those friends that have
Gone before us and the new friends we have met



Green Bay Police Department ~ Wisconsin

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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