"Side By Side"    

"The Heroes of Ground Zero
Killed at the World Trade Center,
The Pentagon and Pennsylvania

"Can't Cry Hard Enough" - A Tribute to the Victims and Heroes

Side by side - they stood, for all the world to see
Side by side - sentinels, of the land of the free
Side by side - they crumbled, and the whole world cried
Side by side - they tumbled, but their spirit - never died

Forces of evil - unprovoked attack
Forces of evil - a knife in the back
Forces of evil - just like the serpent's seed
Forces of evil - such a heinous deed

Side by side - we watched, with a tear in every eye
Side by side - parting, without a last goodbye
Side by side - in a world, that will never be the same
Side by side - like gravestones, with seven thousand names

The shadows of the towers, now reach across the sea
The shadows of the towers, as far as you can see
The shadows of the towers, with one goal in view
The shadows of the towers, will find the guilty few

Side by side - Twin Towers, now rise in every land
Side by side - Twin Towers, in every city stand
Side by side - Twin Towers, speak in every town
Side by side they send a warning - the whole world around

Voices from the ashes - will rise forevermore
Voices from the ashes - heard from shore to shore
Voices from the ashes cry for justice and peace
Voices from the ashes - the sound will never cease

Side by side - they stood, for all the world to see
Side by side - sentinels, of the land of the free
Side by side - they crumbled, and the whole world cried
Side by side - they tumbled, but their spirit - never died


William McMillan

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © 2001 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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