Police Officer Thomas Lindsey

"St Michael Protect Us ..."

~ In Memory of Thomas Lindsey ... ~
(Click on Graphics)

Utica Police Department

Last night I lay in bed
My gut sick and sour
pounding in my head
tragedy struck this hour

Knowing something was not right
the void of not knowing
kept awake half the night
while red lights were glowing

While the world lay sleeping
we are alert and awake
vigilant guard he was keeping
making no mistake

All of us connected by fate
a brother now laid
forever to rest on this date
his oath and promise be paid

St Michael Protect Us ...

For we fight the good fight
leaving our families behind
kissing them good night
going back to the grind

Put ourselves in harms way
so that others may rest
knowing we keep evil at bay
being the best of the best

The blue line has been stained
with the blood of a brother
all feel sorrow and are pained
all feel the loss of another

St Michael Protect Us ...

Hunt them down we yell
none will take rest
find the evil from hell
desecrated our crest

Black band across shield
blue blood ties us together
great strength we do wield
stay strong in bad weather

St. Michael Protect ALL of US ...


Jonathan C Thomes
Ilion (NY) Police Department

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © April 18, 2007 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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