
~ IN Memory of ~
New York City Officers & Firefighters 
killed at the World Trade Center

 New York City Fire Department     New York City Fire Department EMS

New York New Jersey WTC Port Authority New York City Police Department

The facts of the matter. are really quite simple
The knowledge of why is what eludes us for now
A reason for everything will be given when needed
But all that we know, is the when, where and how

The reality of life can be so suddenly final
Thoughts and the World start to slow and get blurred
Next thing you know, time has no meaning
Emotions are flowing. so easily stirred

Surrounded by loved ones. but alone in the crowd
Enveloped by memories, mixed with jiggers of pain
We cry for the good and the bad times we shared
One tear at a time from the grief well we drain

Every tear that is shed is a step towards serenity
Each drop is a part of a burden relieved
As day fades to night. we look to the heavens
Searching for signs that our prayers are received

Then after the talks, the cards and the tears
We are left with ourselves and a bundle of nerves
As sure as it's time, that will help fill the void
It's the tears that will give us the peace we deserve


Marc A. Turner

Sergeant ~ Roxbury Twp. PD NJ

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © 2001 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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