"The American Policeman"

Every day Policemen go to work, they serve their country and the people in more ways than recognized.  By their mere presence, they protect and serve the citizens of every City and State and deter criminal activity.

Their call to duty lies deeper then what the public witnesses.  Every day, every shift, and every hour, their lives are put at risk.  Inside their hearts, they have Pride, Courage, Honor, and Loyalty. From issuing a citation to a traffic offender, to fighting the most violent criminals, they’re here to make the streets and neighborhoods safe.

Safe, so that Old Glory may fly proudly.

Safe, so that the President and Congress can effectively govern America.

Safe, so that the Soldiers may live in peace to protect our Country from foreign enemies.

Safe, so that citizens may tour the Country, learn the history, and visit monumental sites that gave America freedom.

Safe, so those families can peacefully live.

One day could be quite peaceful, while the next could be time to rock and roll. That is why they must never go against the brotherhood that is formed.  City, State, or Federal, all Police, nationwide, has a common bond.  A special Comradeship.  They are their own family.  One must never leave a brother behind, become a quitter, or worse yet, a coward. Lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way.

When their shift is over, they hang up their gun belts, take off their badges, and return home to their families.  But, their service never ends.  It continues to make it safe, for YOU.



Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © July 1998 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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