"The Job I Do"
You can't understand
the job I do.
So what's different, you ask, of me than you?
You see the beauty of life each day
and take for granted the part I play.
You can go home and
leave your troubles behind,
but I am who I am, no matter the time.
To carry a gun and not to abuse it,
and praying to God I won't have to use it.
Everyday to be willing
to risk my life,
wondering if, again, I'll see my children and my wife.
In Blue or Green I'm still easy to see
so there's really never a safe place to be.
When you see danger,
you can run and hide,
but I have ethics that I must abide.
To go to work knowing this could be the day
when some crazed lunatic might blow me away.
To care for the injured,
to deal with the dead,
is always the part I truly dread.
So what's different you ask of you than me?
I am willing to give my life for you...
Will you for me?
Officer Jody Spurgeon
Chewelah (WA) Police Department
Used with Special Permission of the Author
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