"The Life of a Police Officer"
You talk about the street gangs; kids killing kids.
You talk about the drugs;
people selling,
taking and OD'ing.
You talk about the accidents and DUI's:
People dead and dying... I
still hear the cries.
You talk about the Rapes;
children, mothers,
wives and sons.
You talk about the murders; brains, guts,
death and blood.
All these things you talk about like
they are happening somewhere
All these things you talk
about like they
are wars in other worlds.
You see these things like a movie,
or read them like a book.
We live them every day and
are still
expected to smile when you
You read the papers and you watch the news.
You think that Horror movies
are cool.
We live this horror every
day; the kids killing kids,
drugs, accidents, murders
and rapes.
We see these things every day; parents beating
husbands beating wives,
people killing people,
deaths and DUI's.
To us this is life and we have to remain strong;
because we are the ones that
you come to
when something in your life
goes drastically wrong.
You see we wear a uniform, though
Though we are not all in the
We are a special breed of
We don't fight in the wars between countries.
We fight to keep ourselves
and our Partners alive,
so that we can go home each
night to our
husbands, children and wives.
We fight to stay alive while protecting you and yours.
We see our brothers and
sisters in blue die each day
by your hand or their own,
when they see no way to cope.
And then we try to fight the nightmares
when it is time for us to go
We are Police Officers, and
this is our life.
Lorah R. Buchanan
Used with Special Permission of the Author
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