"The Litigation Team"

New South Wales Police
New South Wales Police

When the frontline strikes trouble,
Constables ambushed in the crossfire,
A Commander will grab for the phone,
To work a way out of the mire.

The enemy's weapon of preference
A thing called a statement of claim,
A guided heat seeking war head,
Designed to wound and maim.

However the litigation team
Will put up one 'helluva' fight,
In the defence of the Police Service
They'll make sure all is right.

A crack team of lawyers t'is true,
One can trust in their integrity,
considering a weighty issue,
Over a solitary cup of tea.

So when the troops call out 'contact'
And the enemy lobs writs so large,
The report from the frontline says,
"Call the Litigation team, Sarge!"


Bryan Michael Doyle

- The Suburban Bloke -

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © 24 May 2001 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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