"The Message"

It is the hardest thing to do,
To tell someone just like you.
That their loved one has just died,
Telling them made me cry.

It’s the holiday season, we should celebrate,
But someone has forgotten to tell fate to wait.
It doesn’t matter who is to blame,
They have to live with their shame,

You will not see them again,
Nothing will stop the pain.
I have to tell you your loved one is dead,
There is no other way what has to be said.

It is my duty to tell what is to be told,
This is not about being bold.
A policeman’s duty has to be done
To tell a parent they lost a son.

Why does it happen on Christmas day?
It’s the festive season, someone’s to pay.
The Policeman carries a large load,
 His personal life is second fold.

Do you know what has to be said?
The policeman carries it in his head.
It doesn’t matter if it is Christmas day,
Life goes on, no matter what you say.

When you are having your Christmas meal,
Think of the Policeman, how does he feel?
He has to work on Christmas day,
Delivering a message, not knowing what to say.


Glynn Withey

Kyneton, Australia

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © 2000-2001 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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