"The Sarge"

Late one night he rolled into the town,
everyone knew he was around
This big man was the size of a barge,
they all decided to call him to call him Sarge.

He was the new officer in Charge of the Police
and the trouble in the town was gunna cease.
The Sarge came across as a gruff person,
but no one could see his version

Late one night he got into a fight,
the villain did booze & drugs all night.
There was no one who could stand up to him,
the Sarge was called to run him in.

The Sarge’s build was a magnificent sight,
everyone believed this guy could fight.
But no one would believe if they were told,
The Sarge really had a heart of gold

The Sarge told the villain that’s enough,
the villain began to act real tough.
The Sarge grabbed the villain’s right hand,
the next anyone knew the villain was on the ground

No - one knew the Sarge had slipped, pulling him down,
and villain fell onto the ground.
The Sarge came crashing down on top,
squeezing the villian like a mop.

The Sarge flipped him over and hand cuffed him.
the whole incident taken less than a second.
The crowd was amazed, the talk was loud.
The Sarge knew he had won this crowd.

The word around town was the Sarge will handle,
all the trouble created by the town’s rabble
The Sarge won the town’s people that night,
everyone knew the Sarge would finish the fight

The Sarge did not see through the Town’s people’s eyes,
he didn't understand his respect earnt was from his size.
He did his duty the best he could,
just like the the town knew he would.


Glynn Withey

Kyneton, Australia

Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © 2000-2001 - All Rights Reserved

and may not be duplicated without permission

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